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How Can AI Technologies Help Streamline Medical Affairs Processes?

For pharmaceutical companies, much of the success of a new drug depends on how well it is marketed. There are various stages a drug goes through before reaching the commercialization phase, and, by necessity, focus is placed more on drug development than on marketing. This puts a lot of pressure on commercial teams. They need support from other departments in their efforts to optimize market strategies. Medical affairs serves as a bridge between drug development and commercialization and provides medical knowledge to support marketing. In the development phase, they initiate the identification of unmet clinical needs. In the commercial phase, they communicate with key internal and external stakeholders. Medical affairs teams, therefore, play a crucial role in pharma as the source for clinical and scientific expertise.

The functional roles of medical affairs comprise building good relationships with key opinion leaders (KOLs), publishing clinical trial data, conferring educational information about the intervention, supporting research initiatives, and responding to queries regarding product safety. In addition, they are required to first identify KOLs, monitor scientific narratives, and understand patient sentiment. Medical affairs personnel are also responsible for developing a coherent medical strategy. They develop the value story of the new drug in compliance with medical messaging and executing via medical science liaisons (MSLs) before sending it to commercial teams for marketing. All of these responsibilities must often be coordinated with regulatory and legal teams.

Being such an important link between multiple teams, they act as in-house medical expert charged with creating internal educational documents. They ensure all team members and departments are aware of the latest medical developments pertaining to a specific product, franchise, or portfolio. They also serve as medical representatives, relaying the latest medical developments of a company’s products to external stakeholders. In addition, they are responsible for coordinating with commercial teams for identifying growth opportunities, new assets, and indications. Those in medical affairs, therefore, are not only entrusted with key responsibilities; they also know that the growth of the industry is dependent on how well they work. Considering this pressure to perform, it’s easy to understand why medical affairs can benefit greatly from artificial intelligence, which can centralize and streamline their workload.

Leveraging AI to support medical affairs

Having a customer-centric approach, Innoplexus identified the biggest challenges for medical affairs and solved them by combining technology with domain knowledge to empower this area of the pharmaceutical industry through the help of AI.

Medical affairs oversees a substantial amount of medical information and coordination. Given the rapid pace of medical innovation, multiple databases may be required to stay abreast of the latest developments. Because most databases are manually curated, however, there are often delays in receiving the latest information.

Medical affairs overview dashboard

Innoplexus’s medical affairs overview dashboard centralizes relevant information–such as FDA guideline updates and recent KOL publications–into a concise format. The data is delivered via proprietary technology that searches through over 95% of publicly available information using a life sciences-specific, self-learning ontology. The results can be updated in real-time, 24/7, thereby allowing medical affairs to make important business decisions that are based on the latest information.

KOL discovery solution

With Innoplexus’s technology, medical affairs personnel can easily access untapped KOL networks based on customized metrics such as therapeutic area and disease subtypes, location, publications, and more. Using our KOL discovery solution, one can easily assess and prioritize thought leaders in the science and medical domain, researchers, pharma experts, and key leaders of medical associations. With the platform enabling access to KOLs’ involvement in clinical trials, discovering relevant leaders through an interactive network map and identifying those to build relationships with is easier and faster than ever. This is enabled via the help of computer vision and network analysis, which helps in finding connections and visualizing data through interactive graphs.

Patient and physician sentiment analytics

Innoplexus enables organizations to gain insights into the patient and physician perspective based on social media and group communication digital footprints. The sentiment analysis technology developed by Innoplexus allows researchers to interpret patients’ opinions about a particular drug in real time, helping companies discover business potential and unmet needs, and to monitor competition.

Innoplexus helps in streamlining the role of medical affairs by providing necessary insights into KOL activity, patient sentiments, and guidelines to adhere to. AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis enable analysis of online posts, reviews, forums, and patient and physician comments across the web to find previously untapped feedback, response rates, and incidents of adverse events. Centralizing this information allows faster decision-making and simplify these aspects of the work of medical affairs in the life sciences and pharma industries.

Therapeutic area landscaping and trend identification

Innoplexus enables a comprehensive overview of therapeutic areas and trend identification in order to better streamline processes. By identifying therapeutic areas that were underserved by available drugs for pathways of interest, pharma companies can efficiently move in the right direction to commercialize the developed drugs and make way for better ROI.

With cutting-edge AI technology, Innoplexus helps to provide unparalleled support for those in medical affairs. Our custom dashboard, KOL discovery solution, and continual updates in therapeutic area landscaping and trend identification are helping pharmaceutical companies take great strides forward in the drug development and commercialization processes.

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